San Diego Frozen Egg Donations
We offer hopeful parents the option for both fresh or frozen eggs. Previously, fresh eggs were the preferred method for IVF because it was believed they had greater success rates. Now, however, research almost unanimously agrees that there is no difference between success rates in either frozen or fresh eggs. Frozen eggs offer numerous advantages to fresh eggs, which is why we recommend this option to many of our patients.
Some of the advantages of frozen eggs include:
- Same success rates as fresh eggs
- Intended parents do not have to wait to match their menstrual cycles with the donor
- Only mature eggs sold
- The cost of frozen eggs is significantly lower than fresh eggs
- Frozen eggs can be transferred to any of participating centers worldwide, even if the donors themselves are unable to travel there
- There are more frozen egg donors than fresh egg donors, providing you with more options to find someone that meets your criteria
Finding a Donor Has Never Been Easier
Many egg donors choose to donate frozen eggs over fresh because there is no guarantee an intended parent will ever match up with them. When donating frozen eggs, however, finding a match is not necessary before donating and receiving compensation. This allows our donors to wrap up the process much faster.
With more donors available, frozen egg banks give hopeful parents a much broader range of options when making their donor selection. Since it is unlikely there will be an opportunity for you to meet with the donor, we perform a comprehensive screening and testing program to ensure you have all the relevant information you need to pick someone who matches your personal preferences.
When choosing from one of our donors, you can benefit from:
- Comprehensive donor screening and testing, including psychological, genetic, FDA testing, personal interview, and detailed family background.
- Adult and childhood photos of donor available
- Donors must be underneath a certain threshold of live births in order to be eligible candidates
- Large number of donors from numerous Asian countries
- Advanced freezing technology for greater success rates
- A lab fully licensed and accredited with an experienced embryology team: CAP, CA Tissue, FDA, AAAASF procedure, Board certified MD
- Medical advisory team including doctors, embryologists, genetic specialists, psychologists, legal advisors, and more