Category: Fertility

  • Understanding Fertility

    Despite what your high school health teacher may have told you, getting pregnant (or getting someone else pregnant) isn’t always that simple. Today, nearly 18% of heterosexual couples struggle with infertility either because of female factors, male factors, or a combination of both. Learning About Your Fertility Understanding Your Fertility Levels Whether you and your…

  • Potential Causes of Male Infertility

    There aren’t many men who readily discuss their experience with male infertility. Even though nearly 1/3 of infertility cases are attributed solely to male factors (another 1/3 are due to factors affecting both partners), men are all too often left out of the fertility conversation. Understanding the Causes of Male Infertility Male infertility is most…

  • Male Infertility: It’s More Common Than You Think

    As the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. So why is it that when we talk about infertility, men are all too often left out of the conversation? Even when you google “infertility,” you’ll likely see a lot of information on infertility in women. About one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to male factors.…

  • Ovulating: How it Affects Your Likelihood of Getting Pregnant

    While trying to conceive may sound like fun and games to one person, it can be an enormous source of stress for another. If you’re looking to get pregnant in the near future, it’s important to understand when your chances of conceiving are best — this is commonly referred to as when you’re ovulating. What…

  • Natural Ways to Boost Your Fertility

    When you’re ready to become a parent, there’s no way of knowing if you’ll see a positive pregnancy test in weeks, months, or years. Though healthy couples in their 20s have a roughly 80% chance of getting pregnant within a year, there are things you can do to improve your odds even more. Improving Female…

  • Common Signs of Infertility in Women

    Once you decide to start a family, it’s heartbreaking when it becomes more difficult than you thought. Unlike a broken bone, infertility doesn’t always come with a warning sign. There are many reasons why a woman could be struggling. If you are wondering whether you are one of these women, consider some of the following…

  • Curious About Your Fertility Levels?

    It’s funny how life works, right? We spend most of our 20s trying so hard not to get pregnant, but we never thought that once we were ready, it would be such a challenge to have a baby. Maybe you and your partner have been trying for over a year to get pregnant, or maybe…

  • Managing Stress Levels When Trying to Conceive

    There’s no doubt about it — infertility is stressful. From the way you feel about yourself to your relationship with your partner, infertility can deeply affect your emotional and mental health. Though your situation can seem overwhelming at times, there are things you can do to both manage your stress levels and increase your chances…