Category: Uncategorized

  • Testimonials

  • Can I Donate Eggs More than Once?

    Can I Donate Eggs Multiple Times? If you’ve previously donated eggs and had a positive experience, you may find yourself wondering if it’s possible to donate again. Here’s what you should know. Donating More than Once The short answer is yes—you can donate your eggs more than once. If your first donation cycle went well…

  • How Do You Become an Egg Donor?

    Through egg donation, healthy women are able to provide those struggling with infertility an invaluable gift, all while being compensated for their time and generosity. It’s for these reasons that thousands of women inquire each year about egg donation. And while becoming an egg donor is one of the most selfless things a woman can do, it…

  • Intended Parent FAQs

    Becoming a parent is easily one of the biggest life changes a person can experience. Suddenly, you’re responsible for the health and happiness of another person — a difficult job to say the least. So it’s not surprising that new parents have a lot of questions. But parents of children born via egg donation face…

  • The Difference Between IVF and Egg Donation

    When it comes to conceiving, there’s no one or right way to bring a child into the world. While it may be simple for some couples, others can try for years with little success. When conceiving naturally begins to seem unlikely, many couples will turn to assisted reproductive technology (ART). Understanding Infertility Infertility is an…

  • Can I Freeze My Own Eggs if I’ve Previously Been a Donor?

    Whether because of financial stress, lack of a partner, or career ambitions, many women and couples (particularly millennials) are putting off having children. Recently the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released new data showing the national birthrate has dropped to an all-time low. And more incredibly, the number of women becoming first-time moms at 35 or older has…

  • Popular Myths About Frozen Donor Eggs

    The topic of egg freezing has never been more popular than it is right now, with some companies even offering to pay for the process for female employees. While women knowing all of their options to conceive is certainly a good thing, not all of the information you hear on TV or read in the…

  • The Egg Donation Process at Asian Egg Bank

    Thanks to their generosity and selflessness, egg donors make the impossible possible for countless numbers of infertile couples around the world. It’s thanks to these women that thousands of couples can call themselves parents to a little bundle of joy. At Asian Egg Bank, we pride ourselves on having a process that is comfortable for both…